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To Faithful Catholics Everywhere

Welcome to the CORPUS Community

CORPUS is a national association advocating both a married priesthood and a celibate priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church. In the spirit of Vatican II and rooted in a strong Eucharistic commitment, we believe that priesthood should be open to all whom God calls regardless of gender, marital status or sexual orientation.

CORPUS represents the more than 35,000 married priests in the United States (110,000 worldwide) who were ordained Roman Catholic priests, but who were also called by God to matrimony. These priests desired only to celebrate their Catholic roots; proclaim their wives as sacred; embrace their families as a blessing; and serve the People of God.

Begun in 1974, CORPUS began as the Corps of Reserved Priests United for Service. These were priests who would continue to be available to help celibate priests in their parish ministries. By 1980, it was clear that our hopes would not come to pass. We changed our name to the Corps of Resigned Priests United for Service.

The following decade was given to dialoging with Bishops, the development of theological and canonical resources and organizing for the acceptance of a married priesthood. By the year 2000, we understood that marriage alone was not the answer to reform. In justice, all whom God calls (married or single, gay or straight, men or women) should be able to respond with “YES”! We are now known as CORPUS, the National Association for an Inclusive Priesthood.

Celebrating fifty-one years of service to the people of God, is one of the oldest reform groups in the Catholic Church, and is active in reform movements both in the U.S. and abroad. For over 51 years, we have been joined by supporters who stand in justice with our mission. Be with us in prayer and solidarity in our efforts to reform the priesthood for all Catholics, everywhere.