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King, William "Bill"


Rest in Peace

November 1, 2017

William C. "Bill" King left this world Nov. 1, 2017 at the age of 83.
Bill lived a life dedicated to the service of others. Sparked by his upbringing in the Catholic Church, Bill attended Seminary in San Antonio, TX and served as assistant priest in Tulsa, OK from 1961 to 1967. After leaving the priesthood he found an outlet for his strong devotion to community service in his career as Director of the Student Center at East Texas State University (Texas A&M Commerce). He also supported the Commerce community in many ways, from football announcer to nursing home minister. He raised money for the United Way and volunteered with Meals on Wheels. Bill was an avid golfer, and in keeping with his spirit of charity he donated many golf balls to the rough and water at Webb Hill Country Club.

He is loved by many and will be greatly missed.
Bill is survived by his wife, Margaret; children Kathryn (Jeremy) Robertson and Kenneth (Ketria); grandchildren Casey, Keagan, and Ethan; brother Joseph S. King and sister Nancy C. King.
A Memorial Service for Bill will be held Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 2 PM at Hope Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX.
The family asks that in lieu of flowers donations be sent to the Alzheimer's/Dementia Research Organization of your choice.

Remembrance: Tom Litsch Classmate


I received a call from Margaret King, informing me of Bill’s death. Bill attended Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, TX for 6 years and was ordained in 1961 in Holy Family Cathedral, Tulsa, OK for the Diocese of Oklahoma City and Tulsa. He spent most of his ministerial career at the Madalene Parish in Tulsa, OK with Father James McNamee whom he dearly loved and admired. He was also an associate at the student parish at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK as his last assignment.

His fellow Oklahomans who were classmates at Assumption were Bob Kropp, Larry Courtright, James D. M. Stafford, John Zagar and Tom Litsch. Both he and Bob Kropp were barbers and both could do a great "Flat-top." He worked for a University in Texas for many years. As I recall he had a son and a daughter and his beloved mate Margaret and a multitude of friends.

Bill Garthoeffner officiated at their wedding in Paul's Valley, OK. His memory had failed him in the past year and he was in pain. He and Margaret considered themselves to have been richly blessed throughout their lives. Margaret said Bill’s greatest weakness was that he thought he needed to solve everyone's problems for them. Does that sound like any other inactive priest that you know of? Bill and his wife have lived in a suburb of Austin, TX, Round Rock, Texas in an Assisted Living Center for the past few years.

P.S. The attached picture was taken in about 1959.