

Career Transition Management

We want everyone who takes the opportunity to avail themselves of the information contained within these developing pages to understand the editorial mindset underlying their expression: Those of us who have made the transition from canonical ministry to what is generally called "secular life" did so at great personal expense. It was not a decision made lightly, or on the spur of the moment. Coming through our own Dark Night of the Soul, we came to believe that our decision was leading us closer to, not away from the grace of God.

That being said, you must know how deeply we revere the best lived expressions of the sharing in the canonical ministry. You must know also, how deeply we revere the best lived expressions of the sharing in non-canonical ministry in the marketplace and our homes.

In current parlance we will utilize the terms "Career Transition" and "Career Management" while speaking of that process of movement within or outside canonical ministry. We will speak of ordained and vowed religious ministry as being a "profession" akin to being a doctor, lawyer, social worker or teacher. We are not debating or disparaging in any way the sacramental / spiritual dimensions of the priesthood or vowed religious vocations.

Our function is two-fold:
To assist our brothers and sisters who do need to make a formal lifestyle transition, to do so in the best possible manner. We will offer thoughts to be considered and specific concrete steps to be taken to "change careers" effectively. To assist our brothers and sisters who do not need to make a formal lifestyle transition, to explore a context which might become the source of additional support. We will offer some insights into the employment life issues faced by their "secular" peers, and another view of canonical ministry.

We expect that these CORPUS Career Transition/ Management pages will themselves be in continuous transition. Shortly, we will be adding specific recommendations and connections to professional resources. It is our hope that this site will contain not only insights from professionals in career change, but will also contain links and resources recommended by our members based on their own experiences.
We would like to hear from you. Please send your recommendations to Marian Sulenski, Moderator

Transition Support/Resources

Leaving the Priesthood - eBook by Robert Barzan
Practical advice for Roman Catholic priests and Religious men

Transitioning from the priesthood
This web site is an excellent resource for those transitioning or contemplating transitioning from the priesthood.

What Color is Your Parachute?
Website by Episcopal priest Richard Bolles originally to support men transitioning from church ministry. Updated annually since 1970, this book is considered a classic resource. More resources are available at Dick's website.